Our projects

Smart Home | IoT

A mobile application for home automation using IoT (Internet of things). Home automation control the electrical appliances in the home such as lights, fan, air conditioner, washing machine, television, tv or anything else which is connected to plug. We have made this mobile application which using local area network to control those devices using IR Blasters and a hub.


A Mobile app which controls your house heating temperature, lights and other appliances. This app allows the user to view graphs, temperature records and even set custom range over a selected day and time period.
Raspberry-PI is used as a local host. Python services were made to read temperature, input values, etc. If the temperature goes below/above a pre-defined level, the heating pump gets On/Off. The app was successfully deployed and the client now uses it with various household appliances.

VOiCEON - A Social media platform

VOiCEON is a social media platform where people can share their thoughts about INDIA.

VOiCEON is a first ever user centric platform where every INDIAN giving their votes and opinion on single thread which produces a great and meaningful results.